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Chiropractic Practice for Sale: Prime Opportunity
Acquire a prosperous chiropractic practice w/ owner-financing or associate buy out available. Successful branding, marketing, and operating systems for smooth…
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OR Chiropractic Practice for Sale -- Creative Financing
Unique OR Chiropractic Practice for Sale: Guaranteed $24k monthly income through capitation agreement. Currently generates full income on just 10…
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Chiropractic Practice for Sale: High Income
Achieve the lifestyle you’ve always wanted with this superb net income clinic. Long-term collections and income, with a trained associate…
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Chiropractic Practice File & Equipment Sale in Vancouver, WA
Acquire patient files and equipment in Vancouver, WA, for an instant client base, saving time and effort on marketing. Patients…
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Turnkey Chiropractic Clinic in Thriving Community
Seize the opportunity to own a well-established chiropractic practice in a dynamic area. Open to creative financing or associate buy-out…
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Chiropractic Practice for Sale: Vibrant Community
Chiropractic Practice for Sale: Strong Value & Vibrant Community Priced below net income, this chiropractic clinic offers exceptional value. Enjoy…
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Seattle, WA Suburbs Chiropractic Practice for Sale
Established chiropractic practice for sale in the suburbs of Seattle and Tacoma, located in Kent, Washington! Mix of insurance, PI &…
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Chiropractic Practice for Sale in Ashland County, OH Area
Established, thriving chiropractic practice for sale in rural Ashland County, Ohio! Small town living + 1 hour from Cleveland, 45…
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Chiropractic Practice for Sale Close to Pittsburgh, PA
Thriving, established chiropractic practice for sale southeast of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania — with Seller Income in the Top 10% of All…
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Chiropractic Practice for Sale Close to Wilmington, DE
Award-winning, thriving, established chiropractic practice for sale in the suburbs of Wilmington, Delaware! Collecting over $400,000/yr on average – despite…
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Texas Chiropractic College Classifieds
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